HomeCigarettes News

Cigarette company's shares are growing despite the anti-smoking law.
Analysts, however, believe that investors will be indifferent to the new anti-smoking laws as long as the price of tobacco products is steadily increasing.
Women don't want to quit smoking because of the weight gain myth.
Smoking can lead to complete indifference to food because the nicotine muffles taste buds.
Cigarettes made in America were recognized the most harmful to health.
According to studies, the content of nitrosamines (one of the strongest carcinogens) in foreign cigarettes are significantly lower than in American Marlboro, in some cases is lower more than 50%.
Celebrity Smokers
05/22/14Not only ordinary people, but also movie and music stars have bad habits which they so diligently hide. For example pop singer Christina Aguilera. About herself she says that loves smoking, and sometimes drink alcohol. Cigarettes and alcohol, according to her, let relax and feel the drive. The singer says that she sometimes likes smoke marijuana. Christina Aguilera was noticed with a package of red Marlboro, more of this, even several times she was kicked out from restaurants, where the smoking is banned.
Other famous smoking lover is Angelina Jolie. She belongs to the category of "pleasant smokers" : you smoke, and she also takes a cigarette. Angelina often spends time before the award ceremony in a nearby bar with a glass of champagne and cigarettes "Parliament Lights" Before filming Lara Croft she sat on the original diet. She didn't take breakfast, but only drank and smoked. She smokes on the set, in bed, with wine, with coffee, as a diet etc... On the film set "Alexander" with Colin Farrell, Jolie told that Colin smokes like a pipe.
Eva Mendes - a luxurious actress and woman. While many stars say about her that she drinks and smokes like a real man. And she confirms these words, saying that if to have fun, then to the fullest. Actress Charlize Theron absolutely can't live without cigarettes. Charlize loves cigarettes "Marlboro", alcohol and meat. She is a brutal woman, not accidental she got the main role in the film "Monster". Charlize, among other things, loves very much her bad habits. And didn't want to change something.
Gillian Anderson - Agent Scully from the TV series "The X-Files", ex punk-girl and heavy smoker. She smokes from 14 years, and the last more than 7 years, all America watches how Gillian quits smoking and then starts again. Her friends say that she is intelligent and elegant smoker. Yes, apparently, celebrity smokers - today are far from uncommon. While all of them declare about their correctness and good behavior.